McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) F-15 Eagle
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F-15 Eagle Plastic scale model in 1/72 scale 

... continued from page 5....

logo hasegawa    
Hasegawa released kit #02100 for the F-15J MSIP I / II in 2014.
The kit offers a choice of the JASDF MSIP I or MSIP II.

For F-15 users, the "Multi-stage Improvement Program" MSIP started from the mid 1980s. The MSIP mainly involves an APG-70 radar with improved missile capabilities for the AIM-120 AMRAAM and advanced Sidewinders. System updates and improved ESM capability were also deployed. 

The Japanese F-15J MSIP involves an APG-63 upgrade, F100-IHI engines, new ejection seat and the Japanese AAM-4 'type 99" missile. Upgrade with Link 16 and helmet mounted sights as well as AAM-5 "type 04" missile are also envisaged for the JASDF in the 2020s. 


The Hasegawa kit which is basically the same mould with sprues [A,B,C,D] was discussed on page 1. But you get 2 extra sprues [K] and [T] and an etched metal fret [MA253] for the upgraded F-15J MSIP I or MSIP II.
extra msip

What is provided?

(a) a different instrument coaming (part #T6) with different instrument decals.

(b) lightning protection strips on the radar nose cone (etched metal).

(c) a few different RWR antennas #K1 and #K2 on the fuselage ends.

(d) re-enforcements strips on the vertical tail (etched metal).

(e) for MSIP I:  IRST fairing #T1+T2 in front of the windshield.

(f) for MSIP II: pair of IEWS bulges on the intakes (kit parts #T3 and #T4).

(g) GPS antenna at the cover plate under the canopy (part #T5).

(h) for any upgraded F-15 MSIP, also the aircon exhaust grill on the right near the cockpit should be removed (fill and sand).

(i)  also, often the rear fairing between the exhausts was not there anymore and the tail arrestor hook a bit shorter. This depends on the particular upgrade and Hasegawa will indicate this in the instructions.
Decals are for a JASDF test wing aircraft at Gigu AFB of either a MSIP I or MSIP II. These sport the standard "ghost grey" F-15 schemes with overall Fed.Std colours FS36375 with areas of FS36320 on top and sides.  
decals 02100
The kit schemes are a bit dull with no special squadron markings.
For that reason, I did some research to find a more colourful F-15J MSIP scheme. It turned out that the 306th squadron of the 6th Air Wing at Komatsu Air Base in September 2017 had special markings.
02272 hasegawa f-15

In fact, Hasegawa released kit #02272 with this scheme for a F-15J MSIP I "KOMATSU special markings". This kit also has decals for a normal F-15J of the 303rd squadron with an Air Show livery. I was able to buy this kit.
02272 schemes
.... with the decalset of kit #02272:
hasegawa 02272 decals f-15
Both will be made.

I opted for the F-15J MSIP I. (option "1").

This kit was made as discussed on page 4 with the general notes and assembly suggestions.

The fuselage and forward section were completed first, filled and sanded. Do not forget nose weight. Then followed the wing halves ensuring a symmetrical fit with a bit filler. The vertical tails were not yet fitted but the horizontal stabilizers were set. These can be set tilted/ turned a bit when desired.

Above the "bulge" on the intakes for the MSIP I are seen and the GPS fairing at the canopy plate. A new instrument coaming is provided. (for the MSIP II the bulges are not installed but a special tracker fairing in front of the wind shield). 

The model got again the "ghost grey" scheme similarly as described on page 3. Also, the metal exhausts and "wash treatment" was given as seen on page 4.

The decals for the JASDF 306th squadron aircraft were fine but it was difficult to fit the vertical tail markings. I removed about 1 mm on the forward edge. At the base, it was needed to cut each tail decal in a few sections. The horizontal flat area was not covered with decal. I had to mix some blue-grey paint to cover this.
komatsu decalling
The model was completed with details and semi gloss varnish as with the other kits.
aam missiles
The F-15J MSIP is capable to fire the new AAM-4 missiles. They are fitted at the "Sparrow" stations. I had found missiles in the Platz F-15J kit. These were painted FS36375 with off white head, decalled and installed.
The AAM-3 were also made and are more commonly seen on JASDF F-15 jets. The wing (also fuel tank) pylon with launch rails were installed.
jasdf 306 squadron Komatus 2017
f-15j msip I komatsu 2017     
f-15j msip komatsu
    F-15J, 306 squadron, JASF, Komatsu, 2017  
F-15 JASF Komatsu      
  AAM-4 fitted on fuselage station and AAM-3 on wing pylon     
JASDF F-15J Komastu 2017
  note the absent airco grill and details in canopy
 ... at Komatsu air base, Japan
Komatsu air base F-15   
  ... over sea flying  
F-15J JASDF over sea

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Created this page June 17, 2021