Hunting Percival Provost
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1/72 scale kit of the Percival Provost by Matchbox
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Another 1/72 Provost model was made with the Matchbox kit. The kit was made straight out of the box.

But the cockpit got a bit more detail like seats provided with belts. I also added an instrument panel with decals.   

The model was finished in a scheme of the Sudan Air Force for a Provost mk. T.53 of no.7 squadron in the 1960s.

After a base grey coat had been airbrushed with Revell Aqua 75, the paint scheme was airbrushed.
The silver dope colour was airbrushed with Vallejo silver gloss 77.724 acrylic. The bright red-orange was airbrushed with Revell Aqua 30 orange acrylic that required masking, followed by the black anti-glare panel. The Brunswick green for the wing was difficult to assess as there are different colours called that way. I settled with Revell Aqua 364 "laubgrun". 

  sudan provost


The wing tip anti-collision lights were cut out and drops of Microscale Kleer to be added to get a transparent look. 

The Sudan markings were home designed with a graphics program looking at a few photos and the decals were than laser printed. If you need these as well, let me know...

The canopy frames were hand painted silver with a fine brush. The canopy edges and gaps were closed with white glue. When dry, any glitches can be removed after drying with a wooden tooth pick. 

The model was not weathered, even Sudanese training Provosts were kept in well condition. A final airbrushed coat of Johnson Future / Pledge thinned with 10% Gunze Sangyo Mr.Color Leveling Thinner protected the decals and gave a nice gloss sheen. 

 future pledgethinner    ez line

The propeller was installed with a drop of white glue to fix it, an air flow tube on the cowling set, a tiny wire antenna made from EZ line added on the spine and that completed the model.


map  flag  old rpundel   old> roundel

[ initially as one Sudan: 2,500,000 | between 25-35 million inhabitants ? | capital: Khartoum ][ now "north" Sudan 1,880,000 ]

The former British colony Sudan was the biggest country in Africa gaining independence in 1961. By the "Al Quyyat Al-Jawwiya As-Sudaniya" some local British aircraft were used in the beginning.
In 1957 4 armed Provost mk. T.53 were delivered with an additional 3 following soon. Later an additional 5 ex-RAF Provosts were delivered. They had the first style roundels. Jet Provosts were also probably acquired.

Currently, there is a large crisis in Sudan with a civil war, hunger and starvation with tens-of-thousands of civilian casualties.

Look for more information about the Sudan Air Force at my MiG-23 page here...

sudan prop provost  


sudan provost

 ... at the field...  
sudan percival provost t.54

Another nice little model for the World Air Forces collection.

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Created this page July 5, 2024