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Academy kit page A1...
Step by step,
let's go through the final stages...
After the final
assembly, the stores were added. The kit provides a lot of these and they
are all of very fine quality. You also get marking decals for all the stores.
Starting from
the top: "empty tip pylon" / AIM-120B/C AMRAAM / "clear station with no
pylon" / 370 gallon tank / "empty central station" / 370 gallon tank /
"clear station with no pylon" / "empty pylon" / AIM-9M Sidewinder.
Below the intake
is an empty pylon and an AN/AAQ-13 pod.
After all stores
had been added and final assembly was finished, the overall model was cleaned
up and got a coat of side-matte varnish, applying a mix
of 90% Johnson Future and 10% Tamiya matting agent. (obviously
cover the transparent parts when applying the end coat).
This will give
a good shine and protect the decals.
- The engine
exhaust pipe got a coat of Future with some transparant Tamiya blue paint
added to give a typical sheen.
- The canopy
and ejection seat were put on the model (can be detached)
Upper view
shows the very subtle two tones of grey

The Korea Air
Force ROKAF F-16C Block 52D, airplane no "93-067", of Han-kug
Kong Goon
NOTE: on the
pictures above you don't see yet the small canopy locking hooks at the
lower canopy frame; these were added later on to the model
A very nice
F-16 in the collection, hope you like the model!