Douglas A-4 Skyhawks
U.S Navy
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Fujimi models in 1/72 scale : kit review & modelling report 



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The A-4 Skyhawk kits of Fujimi are the best ones available in this 1/72 scale.

Various Fujimi kits appeared with common parts on the sprues and extra special parts depending on the variant. Here kit #35132 is seen from 1993.
Fujimi provides many options and although not often mentioned in a specific kit, the parts are there to make different options for a particular aircraft. The modeler can thus make a large collection with different versions and periods using several Fujimi kits.

As noted, in many Fujimi kits that appeared, some parts are still on the sprues so you can use them also to make several types with special equipment.

Fujimi kits have nice options such as:
- nose leg with or without steering actuators
- ECM pods on nose, on rear tailpipe and on top of stabilizer
- various versions with or without the two Aden canons
- various stores: drop tanks, mid fuselage fuel tank, rocket pods, bombing racks (without bombs: use Hasegawa stores weapon set in 1/72)

The only fault are the slightly to large main wheels (1,5 mm) in these kits.

Also the Fujimi kits appeared as single or two seater and also you can add the avionics hump on top of the fuselage and very good.... 
it has separate slats; these slats always appear to be slightly drooped when the aircraft is on the ground. A very nice touch and the only 1/72 kit to have them separately provided. I noted though that the slat tracks on all Fujimi kits are too long and moulded to much downwards. I cut off 2 mm on all tracks and bended them slightly upwards. 

The Fujimi models are very good and have a tight fit; I only needed some putty on the intakes and on the lower wing area. Assembly is simple. Also, you get two canopies for closed or open positions. 



A few Fujimi kits were used for this project:
- OA-4  two seater FAC aircraft from the Outlaws, kit #F23 from 1987.
- TA-4 trainer (using an OA-4, see below)

Each one of the A-4 Skyhawk aircraft kits was detailed with something special, such as on a particular kit:
- dropped rear flaps
- opened engine rear bay hatch
- opened avionics bay on the forward right fuselage
- set large angle on stabilizer showing the rear gap in the tail.

In addition, on all kits the undercarriage bays were detailed with some of the piping from stretched sprue etc. Also the cockpit area got its usual details with some sprue and bits and pieces such as throttle and side panel details. 

This will give something extra to each kit, which otherwise will be assembled straight forward. Carefully study photos to see the real thing. 

The cockpit area is quite small, so only some limited space is here available.The seats are excellent as provided in the Fujimi kits and the real seat is very simple as it had to be really light in weight. 

The cockpit seats themselves were detailed with the pull handles and belts and I also got two ESCAPAC seats from resin from NEOMEGA. 

But the Neomega seats don't fit most kits! They are to wide and to high! I had to cut off the details on the seat sidepans etc. A pity for these bought parts...

The aileron and flap recessed lines were made a bit deeper. 

I got two Fujimi OA-4 two seater kits, but decided to make one OA-4M and an older TA-4 trainer. In stead of buying the other Fujimi kit, I used one of the OA-4's to be converted. The parts are all there, but I wanted to make an older TA-4F with no top bumb avionics bay. A aft section of a fuel tank from the spare box could be used here to get the needed aft fairing.

Fujimi A-4F basically assembled; you can also make a A-4E from this kit.

OA-4 basically assembled

OA-4 opened (very small!) bay on the forward fuselage

OA-4 engine hatch opened between the two undercarriage legs and fairings 

3 types of stores basically assembled

detailed undercarriage bays ; 20 minutes work for 3 kits...

OA-4 basically assembled with details in the canopy hinge area from sprue

TA-4 opened stabilizer gap because of extreme setting 

The three Fujimi kits aligned basically assembled including a single seater.

Fujimi kit seats with some added detailing

TA-4F basically assembled with rear portion of canopy fairing from scratch using a spare drop tank rear tip; alternatively, buy the version of the TA-4 Fujimi kit, I used a spare OA-4 here... Do not fit the avionics top fairing bump. 

Markings will be applied for:

- TA-4F VA-164 White with red tip: reference Detail and scale page 22;  
- OA-4M Outlaws from the kit. 

The TA-4F overall white colour is applied of most trainer versions and the A-4's have red intake edges, squadron markings and various colours.


The A-4 Skyhawk models were given their decals, using various schemes found on the Microscale 72-427 set. So different sizes of the roundels, the larger ones being used. On other decals sets these were much different in size and colour. 

The decals were added, using the Microscale decals as basis, added with specific decals from the other sets.

The wing walk ways were dark grey or black on white machines, these were made from spare striping sheets.

The Skyhawks differ in detail. Added were pitots on the nose, the landing light on the right undercarriage door and the various smaller antennas. I also added pieces of clear plastic for the top fuselage light and these were coloured in transparent red paint. The OA-4M has a pitot at the tail fin leading edge.

The internal cockpit details were using the supplied Fujimi instrument decals (cut to size) and detailing various various colours of yellow and red for some knobs and tubes in the cockpits. Also added were two rear view mirrors in each single seat canopy and 2x2 mirrors in the two seaters canopies. 

The Skyhawks also have various markings on their fuel tanks, most of them being on the decal sheets.

OA-4M - Outlaws HMS-12 US Marine Corps

(FUJIMI set as in kit F23)
oa-4m up


A Fujimi
A-4F single seat "Super" mas made with kit #35132 (made into a A-4E).

Scheme: A-4E VA-94 with red bird from combining decals such as from Modeldecal: reference Squadron Signal "USN Carrier units" volume 3, pages 6+26

I found that the canopy framing of the single seat A-4 of Fujimi is not correct! Remove the framing by polishing and look at pictures. The clear portion is small but not so small as suggested in the kit.


A-4E VA-94 

a-4e fujimi

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Created May 19, 2002